At The Esther School, God uses what teachers say and do to equip students. Teachers lead lessons about math, social studies, and writing - but they also teach by example. In one way, teachers show their resourcefulness by bringing familiar items into the classroom. Students learn better with items they already know, but they also see their teachers using creativity to make things, solve problems, and strengthen the classroom!
In Preschool, students have the opportunity to receive hands-on learning. In one activity, students play with clay. Instead of buying clay, teachers go to the nearby river during the rainy season and collect clay from the ground. Back at school, the clay provides preschool students the opportunity to create, build, and use their imagination! Additionally, students see their teachers using materials found around them to make a helpful activity.
On the walls of every classroom, posters provide visual support for lessons. They show helpful tricks, reminders, or examples of what students are learning. Teachers often make the posters themself. With materials easily found in school and their creativity, they make helpful tools for teaching. Students see visual support for lessons and examples of their teachers using their God-given abilities to strengthen the classroom!

At school, teachers collect clay, make posters, and use their ingenuity in many other ways. Students see their teachers using their gifts and abilities, accessible resources, and God's creation to strengthen the classroom. Through their teachers' examples, they learn that they can make anything out of items and resources found around them, too! Seeing their teachers encourages students to do the same when they're inside and outside of school.
At home, after homework and chores, students find activities to fill their time. Often, they need a ball for games like football (soccer). When no ball is around, students follow their teachers' examples and make a ball out of items they find around them. They take a stone and wrap it in layers of plastic bags. They use their ingenuity to craft a ball that they can share with their friends!
Back at school, holidays, like Independence Day, provide opportunities to celebrate events in the past and look forward to the future! Students lead skits or dances wearing traditional clothing. Like their teachers, students find a creative way to make what they need. They prepare for their performances by making their outfits out of bags, cloth, feathers, strings, cardboard, and other easily found materials. Once finished, students lead their school wearing hand-made skirts, drums, and shields!
God takes advantage of every opportunity to teach students! Through the example of teachers, God is showing students that they are resourceful and creative. He gives them the ability and provides the tools. Students are taking what they see at school and applying it to their own lives. They problem-solve and make what they need!