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The Esther School is a co-ed Christian day school in the heart of the village of Nyangwena in Zambia, Africa. Originally begun by GEMS Girls’ Clubs, it opened its doors to Kindergarten and Preschool students in 2012, annually adding a grade level through Grade 12. The Esther School is a collaboration of supporters and staff from North America and Zambia who work together to educate students, manage agriculture and sustainability projects, disciple individuals and families, and be a light in the surrounding community.

Our Mission

To provide a holistic, Christian education that develops the passion and skills students need to become servant leaders in the Kingdom of God.

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Our Vision

To build a thriving community of faithful and skillful servant leaders, bringing sustainable transformation through education and partnership with students, families, community members, and Christ-followers from within Zambia and around the world.

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Core Values

Educate: To provide a means of learning that fosters the growth and abilities of individuals and communities so that they in turn can provide for their future needs with independence and dignity, all for the glory of God.

Empower:  To assist individuals in recognizing their God-given gifts, and as they begin to see their full potential, equip them to impact the world for Christ.

Partner: To utilize the strength and abilities God gives us, alongside and in collaboration with those we seek to teach and grow, with the direct support of other Christ-followers around the world.

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Number of Staff


Number of Staff

Number of School Buildings


Number of School Buildings

Total Acres owned by TES


Total Acres owned by TES

Acres of Agriculture Land


Acres of Agriculture Land

Meals Served each Month


Meals Served each Month




Eggs Produced each month


Eggs Produced each month

tons of sunflower seeds, annually


tons of sunflower seeds, annually

Gallons of Cooking Oil Produced each month


Gallons of Cooking Oil Produced each month


The Esther School is built on the foundation that each one of us is created uniquely in God’s image, offered salvation through Christ, and given the purpose of using our gifts and talents to glorify Him. Woven through everything done on campus is this message of Truth, spoken over students, taught in each subject, and incorporated into all business initiatives. It is through the message of the Gospel that lives are transformed.

Discipleship is prioritized as we walk alongside students, staff, and families in the growth of their faith. Devotions are done daily in classrooms, biblical principles are woven into all class subjects, teachers model Christ-like attitudes and life choices, campus-wide weekly chapels are held, and Bible studies occur with staff multiple times per week. Students are taught that servant leadership, following the model of Christ, is foundational to all that is done on campus.

“Discipleship is so important. Our students, staff and families need others to come alongside. To teach them more of who God is. To study the Bible with them. To model what a life following Christ looks like. To care about them individually and to pray with them. The Esther School is not made up of many individuals, but it is a community of many who have come together for the single purpose of glorifying God and learning and growing together in this place”.   (From Gideon Mwale – Head Teacher)


Dedicated to raising servant leaders

We are a staff of unique personalities and backgrounds with one unified goal: To glorify God and educate children to live for the Lord wherever they find themselves in the Kingdom.

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Cleopatra Bwembya

Kindergarten Teacher

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Agness Chalwe

Child Safeguarding Lead

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Leslie Arends

Director of Academics

Leslie Arends's Blog|Read Bio


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Mukalya Mary Chambanenge Daka

Grade 2 Teacher

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Mildred Nkhata

Grade 1 Teacher, Senior Teacher

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Mutinta Jamaima

Grade 3 Teacher

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Mary Catherine Graham

Grade 6 Teacher


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Joyce Luwewa

Preschool Teacher

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Terry Mumba

Grade 9 Teacher, Senior Teacher

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Charity Mvula

Family Investment Program Supervisor

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Gideon Mwale

Head Teacher & Spiritual Lead

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Daniel Mwanza

Director of Operations & Sustainability

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Moses Mwase

Finance & Accounts Manager

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Caroline Zulu

Grade 1 Teacher

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Clare Syaluno

Deputy Head Teacher

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Daliso Tembo

Grade 5 Teacher

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Drew Roelofs

Executive Director

Read Bio


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Isaac Walden

Communications Coordinator

Isaac Walden's Blog|Read Bio


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Overty Sakala

Grade 4 Teacher

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Raphael Phiri

Manager of Operations & Sustainability

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Raphael Sinkamba

Grade 2 Teacher

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Brighton Divine Simfukwe

Grade 8 Teacher

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Afelia Afemikhe Banda

Grade 6 Teacher

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Christopher Mwanza

Grade 10 Teacher

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Davies Katele

Grade 10 Teacher

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Elizabeth Lyalabi

Preschool Teacher

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Patson Mwashelela

PE Teacher

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Purity Katongo

Grade 8 Teacher

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Ruth Kalumba

Kindergarten Teacher

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James Chongo

Child Safeguarding Lead

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Chris Zulu

Student Guidance & Development Counselor

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Lewis Manzya

Grade 3 Teacher

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Miriam Kapini

Human Resource & Administration Manager

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Kennedy Chimdzakazi

Grade 11 Teacher

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Elizabeth Tembo

Grade 7 Teacher

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Kapeya C. Mwmbela

Grade 10 Teacher

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Rhoda Kanga

Grade 4 Teacher

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Sikazinga Nyanube Maluma

Grade 8 Teacher

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Murchison Phiri

Grade 7 Teacher

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Ruth P. Jere

Grade 5 Teacher

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Reagan Kache

Sunflower Project Supervisor

Why Zambia?

Zambia is a beautiful country with an equally beautiful and hospitable people, but many face staggering challenges. With over half of the population living in rural areas and under the poverty line, there are signficant obstacles to receiving an education and providing for their families. 

Check out the facts below and see why God has called us to Zambia:

  • Net attendance ratio in primary education is 87%
  • Net attendance ratio in secondary education is 45%
  • Average ratio of pupil to teacher is 48:1
  • School days are only half a day
  • 44% of those enrolled in school do not complete the primary cycle.
  • Literacy rate for 15 to 24 year olds is 64%
  • Zambia’s total population is 16.5 million
  • 58.2% of the population live in rural areas
  • 54.4% of the population live below Zambia’s poverty line
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